As always, Minette and her staff provided a warm and welcoming classroom - complete with morning coffee and light breakfast, a catered lunch, afternoon treats, and her wonderful Southern hospitality. Thank you Minette!
Ron's class was full of students from all over the world...and it was such a pleasure getting to know them over the weekend as we discussed our businesses and our love for cakes and sugar art! Here are some photos from class...
Making buds and orchid centers:
Getting ready to dust:
Rack full of flowers drying:
Time to paint:
Ron posing with one of his Dancing Ladies (photo by the fabulous Kate Essenberg):

Ron and Minette dusting flowers (photo by Kate Essenberg):

Pretty pink Dendrobiums:
Some of my orchids...Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Denrobium and Oncidium (Dancing Ladies)...and we were working on the Cattleya orchid too!

Ron's gorgeous work...they look stunning all together on this tray:
What a fabulous three days...thank you for the wonderful hospitality Minette! And thank you, Ron, for sharing your incredible talent with us!
Thanks for stopping by!
Copyright © 2011 by Jacqueline Butler of Petalsweet Cakes. Content of this blog (including text, photographs and layout) is the property of Jacqueline Butler - please respect copyright laws. If you want to link to my blog, or post any of my photos please contact me - it would be great to have the opportunity to connect with you. Thank you!

Fantastic artistry!
I want SO MUCH to have a course with the Talented Ron, and one with you!!!! no plans to come to europe?? switzerland or Italy?? please!!!
Best regards and love so much you'r amazing work Jack!
Amazing Jacqueline....
I hope that I one time will be able to get to one of his classes. A dream would come true :o)
Thanks for sharing your lovely work ;o)
This is wonderful Jackie!
Brought me so many good memories!
Lots of love, Layla.
Wow - the sugar flowers all look stunning and so perfect. Sounds like a fabulous experience.
Love orquids and Ron too. I wish I could come to your classes. Wonderful work you make Jackeline.
Looks like an amazing class - such realism in the flowers!
Jaqueline, waiting for you in Italy I admire you and your lovely works, this class with Ron Ben Israel is amzing!!!!
questi fiori sono fantastici, perfetti, curati nei minimi dettagli....davvero impressionante.....
a presto,
Hej Jacueline,
Amazing flowers, I wish also I could attend his classes. I have seen some of his flowers on you tube. Please send him to Denmark :)
Hi Jacqueline,
Your work looks great. He is the best... curious about what the flowers are made from?
All gum paste? All pastillage? Or gum paste/fondant mix?
Hi V,
Thanks so much for your kind message...yes - Ron is the best! All of the flowers, leaves and buds were made out of gumpaste. Jacqueline
Jackie, I haven't dropped by your blog for a while! I missed reading your posts! It is so wonderful to hear that you attended a new class with Ron! As usual, as seen on Facebook, the flowers turned out fabulous and top notch! I can't wait to hear more!
Oh, the details is stunning! So beautiful. Well, I have finally got around to posting the pictures of my peonies and hydrangeas which are inspired by your fabulous self but look nothing quite like your fabulouses selfs work. Did I just make up a bunch of words? :)
I've posted them on my face book page here:!/photo.php?fbid=230521803629390&set=a.228541450494092.77036.100000147155476&type=1&theater
I hope that link works :/
Have a great time here in Australia, Jaqueline x
P.S. Any update coming on your cutters?
Hi Jacqueline.
I'm from Brazil and I love your work, it's all very beautiful and you seem to do everything with great care.
Can I ask a question? What Peony cutter do you use? Thank you and congratulations.
Hi Marcelinho...thanks for your lovely message. I currently use peony cutters that I created myself...the set will be for sale soon. I will post information on my blog and Facebook page. Thank you! Jacqueline
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